Exploring Preamp options for the Pass XA25

Please feel free to share preamp options for the XA25. I presently have an Acoustic Research LS-3 and am not sure this is the perfect combination. The Pass Headphone preamp is one option that I'm considering. Tube preamps?
I have 100 hours on a Herron VTSP-360 and it's settled in and opened up.  It adds tube magic and really shows what the XA-25 can do.  Speed, power, dynamics, and finesse without breaking a sweat.  
The Backert Rhumba is a splendid match with my XA-25. I get pretty much the same sonic qualities as wlutke above with his Herron. The XA-25 is a great match with tubed preamplifiers, IMO!
I have the PS audio bhk pre with my FirstWatt J2. Sounds great. However, I may seek out a Pass pre after new year. 
These are my list of recommendations so far.
Pass Labs XPA-1
Pass Labs XP-10
Herron VTSP-360
PS audio BHK
Backert Rhumba
Would any of the Prima Luna preamps be an option?

The Pass Labs are balanced. If you really want to take advantage of what it does (its distortion will be lower if provided with a balanced source), a balanced preamp is the better choice. What sort of budget do you have?
probably around $2500. The xa25 does not have balanced inputs. I think your right about everything else.
OK- I had to look that one up. With a 47K input impedance a large number of single-ended tube preamps will drive that with no worries. You already have some excellent suggestions in this thread. Do you need a phono section?
I have a musical surroundings nova phonomena and a musical fidelity LX LPS. I’ll let you be the judge.
Using the Pass XP10 with 250.8 a great combo, one should be available in your price range.
How about Modwright SWL 9.0 Anniversary Edition? Speak to Dan Wright at Modwright, he may have one on hand for you to audition. 
I've been happy with my XP-12 and 250.8 combo.

What would you like your new combo to do differently from what you have?

I have both HPA1 and LTA MZ3 as preamp to XA25. They are both great choices and there are reviews describing the pair online. 

currently. OHM Walsh 5000's...

Also have had DynAudio Contour 60's, Klipsch Epic CF-4's hooked up for long test runs.  For kicks I had some old OHM Pro-200's hooked up (sounded suprisingly good).

At a friends house I've heard Salk SS12's hooked up to the XP12 and X 150.8

dep 14.. the first thing is a remote control. I thought when I bought the Audio Research LS3 that I could do without a volume control.. nah. Presently I have Zu Omen.

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I mentioned this in your other thread but maybe check out the Truth preamp from Ed Schillings. It can come with remote and is compatible with just about any source and can drive anything. I have a preamp with unity gain but no remote so I'm considering getting a Truth myself to go with my Pass Aleph J.
     Hi Coach, With that budget you could get a Supratek Chardonney for $2000., or a Supratek Cabernet for $3000. Do a search here on audiogon and read about their pre's, LOTS of information about them! 
I have a Dual Cabernet that I plan on having a long time because it is so good I don't feel the need to improve that area of my system anymore.
They do come up used every so often, so I would keep an eye out if I were you.Good Luck, TISH
Coach, as you know, I truly am happy with my Luminous unit. The web site, on the ordering / building page, requires some information. ( 1 ) output voltage and impedance of sources ( 2 ) input sensitivity and input impedance of power amp ( 3 ) sensitivity of speakers......( this can all be changed for a nominal fee, if equipment changes ). My unit is the Walker Mod Axiom II, single ended, 3 pr. inputs and 2 pair outputs, with the remote. Again, it is audibly invisible. I cannot speak for comparisons with other recent passive units, but with my research, and reading, this replaced some top tier preamps in my arsenal of equipment. I do not hear it, which, is what I wanted. I have owned other passives, back in the day, and I am hearing all there is to hear from my sources, as cleanly, as I can imagine. Unit works great with every amp I own, and feel, your XA25, with the efficiency of your Zu’s, will do it all, for you, with this combination, " IF ", you do not want to add color, warmth, or editorializing, of your recorded music, and just want, exactly, the details, of what the musicians and producers, expressed, in the recordings. The man at Luminous to speak with is Tim Stinson....A true gentleman, who took a good amount of time with me, before ordering. I do not get a commission from Luminous, as, I am simply, a very happy customer / listener. What is on the recordings, is what you hear......Good luck with your adventure.....Always, and Enjoy ! MrD.