Favorite cable brand.

Interested to hear opinions regarding brand favorites. My personal favorites, at the moment,  are Kimber and Goertz. Two very different sounds yet both quite enjoyable. What are your favorites?
Have always had good results with Kimber and Cardas. For value, Mogami is hard to beat.
Just look at the huge list of companies making big money out of gullible audiophiles.  

I don't say cables can't make a difference but hasn't it all got a bit silly?
I note that each post names yet another cable as favourite. Surely if there is big SQ benefit there should be some measure of agreement on which ones are best. The more different choices there are, the more intelligent people think 'snake oil'.

So by your logic there are a thousand different models of automobiles, the Bugatti Veyron can't really be that much better than a Smart or Prius, must be 'snake oil'. Right. Got it. Thanks!

PS- next time you order ice cream we will bring you a Slurpee, you being intelligent and all will realize the million different frozen dessert choices is really all a bit silly. 
@clearthinker you make a good point. I read this thread thinking that there would be some consensus among all the golden ears and deep pockets, but the preferences seem all over the map. I like the comments by @cromaudionut and @urbie because at least there seems to be a line of reasoning supporting the choices.