Favorite composer @ favorite work?

None of us, will ever get tired from, Mozart's "Jupiter", or Beethoven's "fifth"...but the one i am really "discovering" is Anton Bruckner! His, entire 4th, "Romantic" is my all-time favorite! How' bout you?

Showing 1 response by avguygeorge

As much as I love everybody mentioned;and it seems like every few years my fav changes. Antonin Dvorak;THEE(only) cello concerto/Sym from the new world/ all of the Slovanic Dances;are what I play/never tire of/most.Beethoven 5th piano, Motzart's 40th sym.& piano#20 Mahlar #1 & 5 Shubert,s Trout,Vivaldi's 4season's Ludwig's#9 ain't bad either.