Favorite Movie Soundtrack

For me it was
Requiem for a Dream.

Chronos Quartet, very haunting, very gripping, fit the movie like a glove.

ANybody else?
I've been listening to the soundtrack to "Garden State" recently: fantastic soundtrack...great movie too!

Richingoth - I photographed Anne Carlisle several times back in the late 80's...she actually did become (or always was) a fashion model with Ford. I enjoyed Liquid Sky, but I bet it'd be totally bizarre to see it now so many years later.

"Lawrence of Arabia" is my favorite movie soundtrack hands down. A genuine masterpiece from the creative genius of Maurice Jarre. The only complaint I have with the original soundtrack album is its brevity. I wish someone would issue the complete film score., I also have the LP version performed by the Philharmonia, but so many of the tempi are just not right. It is very good for the most part. But the stirring overture, main title and end title with exit music are not in the same league with the original. I am glad, however, that I have both the original film soundtrack and the Philharmonia versions.
Jax2, Anne Carlisle was in Garden State? I will have to watch it again. She was quite attractive when Liquid Sky was made, it is an old favorite of mine that I watched about 1 year ago. She seemed to really enjoy her dual role in Liquid Sky. The music is a hoot too, though quite good, REALLY deliberately campy sounding. Almost like Clockwork Orange music with Sci Fi overtones.
Gone With the Wind, the classic film score by Max Steiner, performed by Charles Gerhardt conducting the National Philharmonic Orchestra in RCA's Classic Film Scores series. A great score, a great performance, and great sound (engineered by the legendary Kenneth Wilkinson). Not to be missed.
Philojet - no, bad seguae on my part. Just responding to Richingoth's post as an aside. I wonder what she's doing these days. Last film on IMBD that she did was in 1990.
