Ferrite install on appliances AC cable

Is there anybody experience the installation of "Ferrite", clip around appliances AC cable, like fridge or computer, as these appliances are near (or in the same room) the listening room.  According to your experience, is the Ferrite influence the listening of the sound of music ?
Ferrites are best for high frequency noise, including radio stations and other EMI/RFI.
Their best use is if you have wall warts, like for your network, or Class D amps. They are good on fluorescent lamps, but man, they can put out so much noise that it's only a slight improvement there.
ebm5, Thats what someone told me, only install them on other than our music equipement 
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Until I put a Ferrite core on my antenna lead to my tuner, my tuner was unlistenable with my kitchen lights on. My kitchen lights are all LEDs and must be putting out a lot of junk.