Fidelity Research FR-64x

 Fidelity Research FR-64x.....(with silver wire ).  Is this arm still considered  viable today ?

Well at $150 on the 64fx, you got an absolute steal. That arm should go for $1K+, easy, if in good/clean condition with original counterweight and silver internal wiring. More if you have the original head-shell. Plus for most low-ish compliance MC cartridges, it’s hard to imagine any $1K used arm options, and new arms sub-$5K (!), matching that FR64fx in performance and build quality.

I need to get a Clearaudio arm board cut so I can use mine again, especially since I have an extra Koetsu to pull out. It was a joy to use; silky smooth action. I currently have a Graham Phantom Supreme 10" ($6.7K new) and Clearaudio Universal 12" ($6.5K new) mounted; I expect this FR64fx should easily compete with (if not beat) them.

@chakster , Your Lustre 801 has only the (thin) armwand

made from steel. The same apply for the SME ''R'' kinds.

The effective mass by FR-66/64 S depends from the used

headshell and counterweight. I never used any of the FR

headshells because I consider them all as worthless.

For the FR 66/64 series 3 different counterweights are made:

standard, 170 g and 250 g. One should use the weight which

can be moved nearest to the pivot. The least inertia is the

result. The worst headshell is S3 ( 19,5 g). The other are to

short for the usual headshell wire length. So the effective length

is not easy to adjust (stylus ''distance'' to the pivot). I prefer

headshells made from magnesium with ''movable 4 pin connector''.

This kind make azimuth adjustment possible as well the added

space for the stylus adjustment.

If anyone missed Fremer’s SME tour:
Fast forward to 31:23 to watch Brian Laker (service manager) talking about new and very old SME models.
They use magnesium for arm wands on the top models. 

 I bought the Pink Triangle for $150 locally in Hicksville LI back in the days when you could find stuff in Newsday classifieds almost everyday.
The guy I bought it from kept his arm but hooked
me up to another guy for the Fidelity Research, for another $150

Amazing, nowadays they are up to 2k on ebay