Fidelity Research FR-64x

 Fidelity Research FR-64x.....(with silver wire ).  Is this arm still considered  viable today ?


@chakster , Your Lustre 801 has only the (thin) armwand

made from steel. The same apply for the SME ''R'' kinds.

The effective mass by FR-66/64 S depends from the used

headshell and counterweight. I never used any of the FR

headshells because I consider them all as worthless.

For the FR 66/64 series 3 different counterweights are made:

standard, 170 g and 250 g. One should use the weight which

can be moved nearest to the pivot. The least inertia is the

result. The worst headshell is S3 ( 19,5 g). The other are to

short for the usual headshell wire length. So the effective length

is not easy to adjust (stylus ''distance'' to the pivot). I prefer

headshells made from magnesium with ''movable 4 pin connector''.

This kind make azimuth adjustment possible as well the added

space for the stylus adjustment.

If anyone missed Fremer’s SME tour:
Fast forward to 31:23 to watch Brian Laker (service manager) talking about new and very old SME models.
They use magnesium for arm wands on the top models. 

 I bought the Pink Triangle for $150 locally in Hicksville LI back in the days when you could find stuff in Newsday classifieds almost everyday.
The guy I bought it from kept his arm but hooked
me up to another guy for the Fidelity Research, for another $150

Amazing, nowadays they are up to 2k on ebay
yeah...luck o' the Welsh. 
...mulveling,I saw a post of yours on audio karma circa 2011
regarding this're getting around.
I must say,I'm always impressed with the level of knowledge
on Agon,as well as other sites. For people of lesser smarts 
like me this knowledge is so useful even if much of it eventually
trickles out the other ear. I did get a 96 on my social studies
 Regents though .