By FR-64 S the Stevenson geometry is assumed.
Exactly, this is how IKEDA designed his tonearms and it’s easy to check, because when PS is correct the stylus of his fixed (headshell integrated cartridges like FR-7fz) drops at Stevenson point without any adjustment, not at Baerwald or Lofgren, and ONLY in this position OFFSET ANGLE is correct with PS distance that stated in the manual and printed on FR template that comes with the tonearm.
Ikeda designed his tonearm with Stevenson alignment/geometry, period.
Everyone who think he’s smarter than IKEDA-SAN can experiment with alternative alignments or alternative PS distance, but in my opinion this is not necessary until a person can actually HEAR the difference according to his personal preferences.
I’m using FR-7fz with FR-64fx tonearm and this combination is stunning!
I can’t hear any f*****g distortion some people are talking about here. And i already have in use 2 more tonearms with Baerwald alignment next to my FR-64fx / FR-7fz combo with Stevenson. I can’t say which method is better, they are all good, no audible distortion for my ears (and my system is pretty good with all top quality components).
Anytime i have new tonearm and cartridge i follow manufacturer recommendation only, i trust to tonearm/cartridge designer more than to anybody else! Until i will be actually HEAR there is a problem i don’t care about all these pointless theoretical speech that one alignment is better than another.
Trust your ears (and experienced tonearm designer).