FINALLY-a cheapskates US cleaner?

Saw this on the other site.

Finally, a reasonably priced US unit that isn't bulky and one step? Looks plasticky, but what can you expect for $400?

Pasting a site is still buggy here. 
This guys assessment give perspective. Not audiophool approved, but useful.




I’ve been following the development of the HumminGuru all year, and recent tests of the production model (seen in three videos I’ve watched) aren’t entirely convincing. It doesn’t appear to have the cleaning power of the Degritter, or even a DIY USC, perhaps because the ultrasonic elements themselves are very low powered.

"recent tests of the production model (seen in three videos I’ve watched) aren’t entirely convincing. It doesn’t appear to have the cleaning power of the Degritter..."

I'm wary of the price-"ya get what you pay for"

Perhaps a little more time to figure out getting a more powerful process and keep price low-then time to jump on it.

The idea appears solid. The DIY's are too DIY. Someone will figure out how to refine it hopefully.

Plus, I’m really sold on higher-frequency ultrasonic operation (say, 80kHz and higher) for it’s smaller cavitation bubbles, which get further into the groove than does a 40kHz-produced bubble. The Degritter runs at 120kHz, the HumminGuru at 40k. Of course the older "premium" ($4,000) USM machines also run at 40K, one reason the Degritter renders them obsolete.

But the real question is what does $400 buy one? If the $400 HumminGuru cleans as well as a DIY combination (a 40kHz USC machine and an LP spinner, around $300-$400), great, it is a viable option. If it doesn’t, it isn’t.