First Bi Amping Experience

I just puchased a pair of Legacy Signature Se speakers. Am pushing them with my Coda CSIB . I am loving them. Was reading about bi amping for a while.  Started looking for a comparable amp to run off my preamp outputs. Was not having much luck finding one in that power range that was in my current budget. Then I thought of how I run my home theater rig with a Crown pro amp. Did a little research and found the Crown XLi series of amps are a Class AB design. I got the biggest one they make and just hooked it up. I know pro equipment gets a bad rap sometimes but this really sounds good.


The Coda has a right and left output for the preamp. The Crown has channel 1 and channel 2 inputs. The internal crossovers in the speakers do the work acoording to   the manual.

What sort of improvements are you hearing in your system after the bi-amping?

Before the subwoofer made a difference I could notice switching it in andout of system, Now it is not noticble at all. This amp is putting out 1350 watts max vs the Coda at 800 watts. I did no calibration yet. The bass does not seem to be ovepowering mids and highs. Like I say, these speakers are new to me and are not really broken in yet. I have been listening to the same music for years and now am hearing things in songs I never heard before. That may just be due to the higher quality of the speakers. I just concentrating on rock songs with great bass players right now.

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@melbay - With the jumpers removed on the speakers, I assume the subwoofer outputs (or preamp outputs?) from your Coda integrated are running the Crown which then is wired to the bass speaker inputs on the Signature SE's.  Then I also assume the integrated amp's speaker outputs are wired to the Treble speaker inputs on the Signatures.

With the extra gain knobs (and gain stage) on the Crown, you can affectively increase (or decrease) bass response (below the crossover point of 180 hertz) by driving the two 10's in your speakers to a higher level than when your Coda integrated amp was running the whole cabinet.  That may be why you are finding the need to get rid of the REL and hearing more information in the low frequency output of your speakers.

Also, (only my opinion) having the two 10's on each side in the same plane (now driven by their own amp) and using the internal crossovers may integrate better than having the single REL subwoofer.  There could have been some phase cancelation or other issues with the REL placement / integration as the Signature's 10-inch drivers did (or tried to do) the same work as the REL sub, but in different locations in the room.

I am NOT criticizing in any way and have done this same type of thinking myself in other systems (and currently bi-amp my main system).  Crown's have good damping factors and can sound pretty good in home audio in certain situations.  Enjoy!!