@car123 Congratulations, you're in exact same boat as I with streaming setup, in fact I feel the same way about my entire system.
So even with things seemingly 'perfect', I still reflexively seek change or to be more concise, change seems to seek me out. So saw Western Electric 300B tubes on sale over holidays, purchase as comparisons to Psvane Acme, result greater transparency, resolution, sweeter/greater harmonic development.
Salient point with this is now my streaming setup and 006 now that much better, I could describe the 006 as one sweetheart of a dac where as when initially inserted and using same setup as previous 005 thought it only marginally better than 005, and perhaps lesser than my Laiv Harmony. Adding the Gaia, I2S and WE tubes has extracted more of the potential of 006. And this is the universal case for every component we bring into our systems, how can we know when we are extracting max potential from any component?
@vinylvalet Yep, go to the RCA outs, I believe half the voltage of XLR. Now the issue is I posit the XLR outs in 006 may be superior to RCA as this is balanced design. I run a Coincident Statement preamp with dual transformer based volume control so no remote volume control, my solution (this with XLR) is running volume on Coincident such that I'm running 006 digital volume at close to 100% at virtually all my normal listening volume. I've found that bit striping isn't a consideration if 006 is running at somewhere between -5, -6db up. And this way I have at least some fine remote volume control without having to get up and turn two manual volume controls all the time.