First pre/pro and hopefully last

I am about to get my first pre/pro and hopefully it will last a long time. It will also serve as a 2 channel preamp. Looking at:
1. CLASSE SSP75, but I think it has been discontinued. why?
Any opinions on these or others? Speakers will be Heron i's, and amps are yet to be decided, see thread under amps for that question, Bel Canto vs. Classe. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
I have the HTS7.1 and would heartily reccomend it, as it also meets your criteria listed...
I hadn't heard of the SSP75 being discontinued...but I figured it would be on it's way out soon, as it's been around a while. that works fine for me, I'll be able to get one used cheap!!!!
Forget the "pre/pro" as you will never be satisfied with its two channel performance. It just does not work. Instead, get a used Citation surround processor and buy a separate dedicated two channel preamp (hint, consider a passive).