I have been considering a 2 channel with a HT pass through. I have heard the Classe has the best analog pass through, but Arcam is very close, and it has a shielded phono area in the unit for audiophiles. Completely separated from the rest of the system. Theta of course is one of the best out there, but $ 15,000 is not in my budget. My budget new or used is $ 5,000. I read a review that compared Classe against Arcam AV8, and Classe nudged out Arcam in 2 channel, but did not have the detail / punch or features of the Arcam. There you are you can't have your cake, and eat it to.lol :) I will sacrifice a little of one to get both without having 2 seperate systems, and without getting overly complicated. Is it possible if you have an analog pass through to get a better DAC then what is in the processor to get better 2 channel music? Just an idea.