First Watt F3 - Remote On/Off

I've had to recently reconfigure my equipment and because the First Watt F3's power switch is on the back, it's hard to reach. I was wondering if there is a good / simple solution for being able to turn the amp on / off remotely?

You can get a Furman PowerPort on ebay for $100-150. I think they are discontinued, but are cheaper used than the newer $250 Furman MiniPort. There are a couple ways you can use the PowerPort to automatically turn on the amp. You can use 12V preamp trigger or use an external switch to power on/off the PowerPort (the switch just connects two wires that are wired into the "+12V" and "REM" connections on the back of the PowerPort). Alternatively, you could get a Furman RS-1 or RS-2 remote switch (same thing as a basic switch).

Alternatively, you could get a Belkin power conditioner that has a front-switch that turns on/off several of the A/C ports on the back. It includes a set of high-current outlets for amps. I got a used $99 Belkin PF31 (AV11) for my computer audio system and it works great as a master switch to power on my studio monitors and stereo line mixer. I think there are other power conditioners that have a front switch, but they are more expensive (which is fine if you want to spend the money on a better power conditioner).

Can you use a high quality power strip that does not limit current, such as a Furman?
My amp has no power switch, so it is plugged into a Furman and then into the wall. To my ears, it is completely transparent.

This may seem unconventional,  but just face the amp with the back facing you.... I have a pair of Quicksilver Middle Mono amps and  the power receptacle and switch are on one end the input and speaker terminalsystem are on the other end.     Ideally they would be sideways because aesthetically they would look best, but I don't have the width so I face the sides with the power switch and plug toward me.