Flash report from 2009 T.H.E. Show

Attended opening day with a friend.
Weather was perfection (60 degrees, sunny, no wind).
Very light attendance (plenty of elbow room, easy to stroll around the beautiful Alexis Park courtyard).
Actually had free parking on the resort grounds!

Best of show (IMHO)

Evolution Acoustics MM Mini-Two powered by Dartzeel integrated.

Show Highlights

-Harbeth Monitor 40.1
-Magnaplanar Demo (Their new speakers will blow your mind while rocking your world!)
-"Live or Memorex" (DSD recording VS live piano)
-Absolutely the largest collection of LPs and CDs I've ever seen! Acoustic sounds, MusicDirect (Mobile Fidelity), Reference Recordings -Mind boggling!

There were many great speakers new to me that really excelled. Brodmann, Analysis Audio (Apogee-like planars), Teresonic (Awsome Lowther based), Studio Electric and the Neeper "Perfection One".

A day well spent...

Mr. Magnaplanar (sorry, I don't know his name) was polling for price guestimates (no firm price was given).

Dweller, did you give an estimate on the cost?
I didn't hear anyone venture an estimate.
I'd peg the price for the mid-tweet panels at around $1500/pr.
The woofer module probably also around $1500.

These are perfect for my Home Theater needs.

It would be swell if they are cheaper!
I'm going to guess less than $1500 for the panels and bass module together after seeing/hearing them. It was an amazing demonstration. The new Vandersteens were incredible as well.