Flat copper speaker cables

Hello ,

I am looking for good copper flat speaker cables for not to crazy price for Zingali QA 3.8 speakers. Please give me your opinion  what would be appropriate. Thank you.


OP, you can buy some foil inductors, unwind them, and make cables out of the copper foil.  You can also buy copper foil here:


I have the Goertz Alpha Core MI-2 cables.  Goertz is owned by Bridgeport Magnetics and I have purchased zobel networks directly from them for using with the MI-2 cables.  I think to purchase from Bridgeport you need to phone them.

Last I checked the Cable Company also sells them.  Depending on your amplifier you may want to use zobel networks with the cables. They are simple little four inch or so wires that may be built into the cables nowadays.