Floorstandings to go w/ Peachtree Nova 300?

I will be selling my PS Audio Sprout and buying a Peachtree Nova 300. I currently use the very good and very inexpensive ELAC B5, but also have about $1500k to spend on better speakers. My room is 16 ft by 14 ft and I am thinking in moving to floorstanding ones. Also, I listen mainly to classical music and jazz.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
There is a nice pair of Spendor A5s listed here in your price range. Spendors are great with classical and jazz!
i guess a shameless plug to have a conversation with Alan at HiFi Buys in Atlanta - he carries Peachtree, Elac, PSB, Golden Ear, Magnepan, Vandersteen, Totem, and a few more....
i think you could start with things you like about the Elac and shortfalls would like to remedy.....

every time i have heard a Peachtree i have been impressed by value for sound quality....with your decent sized room, i believe you have a lot of options....