FM Tuners

I would like to add a tuner to my system.

I am only beginning to research this, so anyone with experience that could help narrow my focus would be appreciated. I'm not looking for vintage receivers with built-in amps. I'd like a tuner to run into a Van Alstine SET 120, which is a control amp with a passive pre-amp section.

A tuner with a built-in pre-amp is not necessary, but I'm wondering if that might just be the ticket.

Thank you for sharing your experience!


I still enjoy using a tuner. There are many outstanding vintage FM tuners that you can get . The Japanese tuners from the seventies were tops. I have owned many tuners. Kenwood, Sansui, Luxman, Pioneer and many other brands can be had for a song. If you are looking to buy a new tuner there are not many companies that still make tuners. BTW, I now use a Magnum Dynalab !  

Are those vintage tuners available without the amp section? Or can you bypass the amp section and send just the tuner source to a newer amp?

Tuners do not have an amp. You can use a basic tuner directly plugged into a power amp. Just make sure you have a way to adjust the volume!

Yes, for sure, That was my question regarding the old Kenwood, Sansui, Luxman and Pioneer equipment. I didn't know if they actually made just tuners. My experience with those brands is receivers.