FM Tuners

I would like to add a tuner to my system.

I am only beginning to research this, so anyone with experience that could help narrow my focus would be appreciated. I'm not looking for vintage receivers with built-in amps. I'd like a tuner to run into a Van Alstine SET 120, which is a control amp with a passive pre-amp section.

A tuner with a built-in pre-amp is not necessary, but I'm wondering if that might just be the ticket.

Thank you for sharing your experience!


Tuners do not have an amp. You can use a basic tuner directly plugged into a power amp. Just make sure you have a way to adjust the volume!

Yes, for sure, That was my question regarding the old Kenwood, Sansui, Luxman and Pioneer equipment. I didn't know if they actually made just tuners. My experience with those brands is receivers.

I have several vintage tuners, including a McIntosh MR77. In present use is a 1978 Mitsubishi DA-F10. That and its DA-F20 sibling are in the top category of Jap 70's FM tuners! I bought mine on eBay for $200. All tuners can produce 1 - 2 volts so they can drive a power amp directly. No need for an active preamp. Depending upon how far you are from a transmitter you can even use an indoor dipole antenna and get excellent results! That's what I use 30 miles from Tampa.

You can run any tuner straight into the Van Alstine and use its front panel pots to control volume.