FM Tuners

I would like to add a tuner to my system.

I am only beginning to research this, so anyone with experience that could help narrow my focus would be appreciated. I'm not looking for vintage receivers with built-in amps. I'd like a tuner to run into a Van Alstine SET 120, which is a control amp with a passive pre-amp section.

A tuner with a built-in pre-amp is not necessary, but I'm wondering if that might just be the ticket.

Thank you for sharing your experience!


I bought 3 tuners last month and they are good to great. The best one is the Magnum Dynalab 108T. It has tube somewhere in the signal path. Normally this is a no-no for me but this tuner sounds so good. Crystal clear sound that approaches CD quality. Very expensive for me but it was a trade-in from my 15-year-old Magnum Dynalab 102. The 108T is a lot better in every aspect though the MD102 is also very good.

The next best was the Accuphase T-101 which I bought from a guy/company who was getting rid of all of his modded tuners. This 40+ year old tuner sound incredible. Almost as good as the MD108T. 

Accuphase T-101 Super Tuner (MINT)! | Tuners | Audiogon

Get in touch with this seller and see if he has any more tuners. He had a couple of the T-101 when I got mine.  This guy seemed like he really knew how to make tuners last and sound great. 

The 3rd tuner I got was the following:

Sansui TU9900 Stereo Tuner For Sale - US Audio Mart

This was refurbished last year by these guys who may also sell tuners.

Services | Vintage Stereo Restorations (

This one is not as detailed as the other 2 but a fantastic listen nevertheless.

I have 3 systems and have great streaming setup on each. However, the station I want to listen to sounds better on the FM airways.



+1 on the Accuphase T101, I own two of them (and I also stream).

For less $ look at Yamaha, Pioneer and Kenwood.






All good suggestions above and it will involve a lot of research on your part.

With that said I also recommend a Magnum Dynalab product. There are several models to choose from both new and used.

A good FM signal can sound really good with a good tuner and antenna.  Pay attention to the last item.  Depending on your location, you may need to consider a roof mounted antenna.

The FM Tuner site previously mentioned is a great resource.  Yes, it can seem a little overwhelming, but a good place to start is the tuner shootout.  You can see what they subjectively think are the "best" tuners and there is also useful information about what they typically sell for.

I have a Magnum Dynalabs Etude and a roof mounted antenna and listen to jazz all day while I work from the local NPR station and it sounds fantastic. 

I'm all for streaming music from quality sources, but there are only a handful of high-quality "radio" streams.  Radio Paradise is fantastic.  Most of the FM stations are being streamed at low bit rates and sound quality is nowhere near the quality of a good FM over air broadcast.

This has been very helpful. Thank you for your recommendations.

Regarding the reception of a tuner in general, am I likely to pick-up about the same stations as I do in a car with an indoor antenna?

With the same antenna, is the reception similar between tuners? Or are some tuners clearly better with reception?