Focal sopra 2/Gryphon Diablo 300 not good match

Hallo Friends. I have the Gryphon 300 and the focal sopra 2 playing together with an Aurender n10 streamer.
I thing the most fatiguing system. I don’t know why. To much highs..absolute no synergy between bass and high frequency..
Can’t hear it more then 10 minutes. Have also the Isoacoustics Gaia 1 installed.and quality speaker cable’s from jorma. And Wireworld power cord. 
Any Suggestion? 
Major bummer;
I had Sopra No 2 and experienced same;
Used relaxing yet detailed electronics to drive them; Luxman M900 amp/ C900 pre; 
neutral cables;PS Audio DSD Dac;
damped room ( not bright);
They sounded awesome on about 3 songs; rest of time I was holding my ears;
Bass was like cardboard. I liked the sound of my former Aria 948 and 906 by a large margin;
 I can’t imagine why they were so thin and bright;   broken in all the other boxes checked... just could not figure them out.Good subs are mandatory; Dual Rel 812 at a minimum;
I’m sorry for your pain but I have been there.

Too much highs..

That's the last thing a Gryphon's sound is. If anything it has a dark sound reputation. As I have heard with other Focal speakers.
You have other problems, suggest you try a simple cd player first and work from there.
Cheers George
Did you ensure the polarity of the speaker connections are correct? 

Good luck with it, regards,
Focals can certainly be bright if poorly paired  I ran a pair of original Micro-Utopia's for years paired with a PP tube amp and never found them bright. I've only heard Gryphon in a show setting with their own speakers the sound was neutral but I can't even remember what model amp they were using.

Your cabling looks good too I have a Jorma digital cable and find it to be fantastic if I could afford their speaker cables I would have them. The sound is on the warm side of neutral.

I would say as others have suggested maybe mess around with speaker positioning also if the gear is new let it break in. But I'll also say don't kill yourself getting bright sounding speakers to sound not bright. Cut bait and move and certainly don't throw good money after bad.
WIth all Focals, minimize toe-in.

Having the speakers cross 3-6 feet behind your head is a good start.