For those who "sold" Dynaudio Evidence speakers

For those who've sold the Temptations or Masters.What did you 'upgrade' to? Was it 'significant? Was it worth it? Looking back-Could you have remained satisfied with your Dynaudios? Do you think the money could have been spent "upstream" to 'better' effect-i.e. digital, pre, amp, cables,cords,isolation/conditioning? I'm considering the Temptation versus Avalon Eidolons as my next speakers. Thanks, I know there's not many of you out there.
Thanks again Ttowntony. It's good to hear the Temptations are easy to drive and even better to hear the Evo W7 amps are adaquate as the Spectral DMA 180 has quite a bit more power(current). Speaking of power requirements, I once had an electrician monitor the current draw on my dedicated 8 gauge line to the Equitech 2Q balanced transformer that feeds my Spectral system. Playing louder than I would ever want to listen in my room the current draw never exceeded 5 amps.
Dynaudio themselves recommend Plinius electronics to pair with their speakers. For the Evidence range, I think you will need to look at the monoblocks.

As an experiment, we also had a go listening to the Sanders ESL Monos driving the Evidence, it was a memorable experience, effortless dynamics and power. The soundstage was large and life-sized. You could consider those amps as well.
"Dynaudio themselves recommend Plinius electronics to pair with their speakers."

Not necessarily, it depends what part of earth you live on. Simaudio is most often the pairing you will see at CES/CEDIA/etc. It is also mated with the Dyn's in the lab for testing purposes. And, in the US and Canada the Simaudio's is what the Reps recommend when becoming a Dynaudio dealer. You will see NAD Masters mated with the Dyn's as well, but not with the Temptations. They deserve better!

Certainly, the Plinius amps will work...I personally love them. As for monoblock power, you do not need 400w/channel or anywhere near....sorry.

I had a pair of temptations for 3 years, and liked them very much. I sold them recently because their's height, I also felt they started to show their age...
I replace my Temptation's and solid state electronics with Wilson Watt/Puppy 8 and Audio Research Reference gear.
I recommend you to listen to TAD1, Lumenwhite whitlight "d" and Isophon arabba. I think JBL 66000 are the best speakers for the money.
Tower_tsin Thank you. How did they 'show their age'? What electonics did you use with the Temptations? Now that you're settled in with the WP 8s do you find them better and if so how? Thanks for you're suggestions on the other speakers but there is no chance I'll get to hear them and I really wish to stay with large? mainstream manufacturers-Dynaudio,Avalon,Revel,B&W,Kharma,JM Lab, maybe Wilson-probably not, maybe Rockport. Who else is there?