From an MHDT to an Audio Mirror, quick impressions

A Tubadour IV SE I ordered on 10/12 appeared today.  It replaces a stock Orchid fed by an n130 Node with PD Creative power board and Sbooster LPS.  I’ve just finished a half hour session, including 15 min of warm up.  Right out of the box it’s showing off.  Smooth, articulate and quick with much tighter bass.  It keeps the musicality of the Orchid and improves on the pace.
The soundstage is deeper with a more “You are there” feel than the up front “They are here” feel of the Orchid.  That’s all for now.   For three times the cost I hoped for a noticeably better DAC.  What I got was a major surprise and a huge upgrade.  Really anxious to put some hours on it.


have the IIISE now, planning to upgrade to IV. I’ve never heard an Orchid, but I heard similar, from a friend who moved from a hotrodded Orchid to the Tubador. he didn’t go back to the Orchid but now has a IV.

one thing I’ve found w all DACs including the Tubador, is that how you feed the DAC, cabling, streamer and DDC can radically improve the output SQ.

the IV has an internal DDC which is a huge selling point for me, less cables and 1 less box.

Fun fact- I was using a Western Digital hard drive (wall wart), feeding the streamer or Nova directly and when I switched to a LaCie USB powered hard drive, I experienced a SQ uptick, similar to adding a DDC into the system.

So removing the extra power signature from the system was huge, even with the DDC in system. I didn’t expect that.

I changed from some $600 retail Analysis Plus XLR to DH Labs Revelation XLR between DAC and BHK preamp / Audio Art RCA w the Naim Nova and got another uptick in top end clarity/ detail.

Adding a power conditioner into the system, yielded another uptick..

Switching from Lumin U1 Mini to Innuos Zem MKIII.. *uptick*.

Next, I started to seriously address room treatments and yep, another uptick. . .

I guess why I included all this is to say that what you feed your DAC, what it’s connected to and the room it’s playing into can wildly affect SQ and the performance (perception) of your gear.

Before this, I was just switching gear out and ran through so many pieces, without ever paying attention to the above. It wasn’t until I got a handle on the ’system’ basics that it all started to come together for me- ymmv.


It's been four months and a couple things of note have happened.  

A Lumin U2 mini replaced the BS Node/Sbooster for streaming duty.  It's quiet, dynamic and grain free.

A NOS Telefunken E88CC in the Tubadour.  I don't know the vintage and whatnot but it is gold pin, diamond bottom and the ink is chalk dust that rubs off.  The Gawd-awful Russian 6h23n stock tube is suitable for target practice only.  Seriously, I want to shoot it.  What a bottleneck.

The DAC/streamer combo has a smooth, pure top end, a generous amount of the famous Telefunken midrange magic and a natural and cohesive stage. Music flows.  Listening is a joy for hours on end.  

Easily bettered by my best LP's. Average LP's bettered by my best digital (Tidal CD/MQA and FLAC radio sources).  


I’ve never done any tube rolling. Was it an easy swap to put in the Telefunken tube?


It’s great to hear that you’re getting more than expected from your Tubadour IV- and old Tele’s are the way to go in NOS DAC’s. I use the same in my Aqua La Scala. I’ve always followed other’s experiences with these DAC’s as they seem to be great performers. I also appreciate your decision to get rid of the original knobs! 


It’s simple.  Just remove the top plate, unplug the old tube, plug in the new.  That’s it.  No bias adjust or anything.

Had to!