have the IIISE now, planning to upgrade to IV. I’ve never heard an Orchid, but I heard similar, from a friend who moved from a hotrodded Orchid to the Tubador. he didn’t go back to the Orchid but now has a IV.
one thing I’ve found w all DACs including the Tubador, is that how you feed the DAC, cabling, streamer and DDC can radically improve the output SQ.
the IV has an internal DDC which is a huge selling point for me, less cables and 1 less box.
Fun fact- I was using a Western Digital hard drive (wall wart), feeding the streamer or Nova directly and when I switched to a LaCie USB powered hard drive, I experienced a SQ uptick, similar to adding a DDC into the system.
So removing the extra power signature from the system was huge, even with the DDC in system. I didn’t expect that.
I changed from some $600 retail Analysis Plus XLR to DH Labs Revelation XLR between DAC and BHK preamp / Audio Art RCA w the Naim Nova and got another uptick in top end clarity/ detail.
Adding a power conditioner into the system, yielded another uptick..
Switching from Lumin U1 Mini to Innuos Zem MKIII.. *uptick*.
Next, I started to seriously address room treatments and yep, another uptick. . .
I guess why I included all this is to say that what you feed your DAC, what it’s connected to and the room it’s playing into can wildly affect SQ and the performance (perception) of your gear.
Before this, I was just switching gear out and ran through so many pieces, without ever paying attention to the above. It wasn’t until I got a handle on the ’system’ basics that it all started to come together for me- ymmv.