full range single speaker

Hi everyone,

im searching users opinions about the sound of a single full range speaker vs 3 ways full range. Its true that a single full range cannot play more that 80db??I read something about that. MY research is about fostex,seas and voxativ full range speaker..My listening position is at 1.5m of the front of my speaker and my room have 60 cubic meter

thanks in advance
The best full range speakers can do some things really well, better than any other type, but what they do right is very limited, and the volume thay can do that is also limited. If the kind of music you listen to mostly is voices and small ensembles, maybe they could be enough for you, if you are into big orchestral music or Rock...Rap, they wont go there! jmho.
A good full-range driver in a proper enclosure can certainly do much better than 80 db, and can sound very alive, fast and dynamic. But, as with everything in audio, there are tradeoffs, particularly in the way of a lack of bass extension and a somewhat prominent midrange that colors the sound. However, the downside can be surprisingly mitigated in really good designs. I have heard Feastrix full range drivers that sounded quite good in properly designed enclosures--check out Volti Audio's Feastrix driver speaker, as an example of a well implemented single driver system.

There are some nice speakers that are much cheaper that use the Taiwanese Tangband full range drivers. These are worth looking into as well.

Also, some systems use full range drivers to only cover part of the frequency spectrum. There is a fantastic system made by Surreal Sound that uses a Tangband driver for the midrange and high frequencies and multiple bass drivers for the low end. The Horning company uses a modified Lowther full range driver as a midrange in a three way system and this, too, is a great sounding system.
Which Horning model did you hear and what amplifier was driving it? Their approach is interesting.
I heard the top of the line model(sorry, I don't know the name) driven by a Thoress amp one time and by a Tron amp another time. I like the very lively sound that these speakers deliver. The Surreal Sound speaker, which is similarly priced, is also very dynamic and lively sounding.

I hope this is a developing trend because I find most modern speakers to be dead sounding unless driven to higher volume levels than I prefer. Poor microdynamics, and lack of harmonic structure (thin, bloodless sound) is the way most speakers sound these days. I bet a lot of listeners would be shocked at how much "progress" has taken speakers in the wrong direction if they heard such great oldies like the full range Jensen field coil speakers (I heard a 13" model augmented with a super tweeter) or the Western Electric 713b midrange driver (the midrange I use in my system).