Fullrange Speaker for Quicksilver Silver 70's

I have a new pair of Silver 70's with quicksilver preamp. I was recommended to look into the Vandersteen 2ce sig 2's by my dealer. I asked Mike Sanders and he said they were a tough drive and recommended the Vandersteen 1c. Is there anyone out there with the Silver 70's...if so what are you using that works well with them. Looking for suggestions under 5K.

I was looking at Totem Forests or maybe Coincident Partial Eclipse any feedback on these would be great too.

I am using a Rega CDP, all Tara Labs The 3 RCA's and JPS Super Conductor Speaker Cables in a room 20 x 20 with 10 ft ceilings. I listen to mostly classical some acoustic rock and some jazz.
the amp should just serve the loudspeakers, s i agree it ideally is picked first...this time you're backing into it...however, the coincident is a great full range speaker, and the silver 70's will make them sound like 'end alls'
You may want to consider the Gallo Ref 3.1's. I use a pair of Quicksilver Silver 60's to drive them and they sound wonderful together. They are generally available used for $200 or less.
I have those amps and used them with spendor S8E's with great results,I now have them mated with spendor SA1's only because I like a smaller type speaker in my room and they go great together.I use el34 tubes in my amps not kt88's.Check out spendor,years ago I had vanderseen 2's and 3's placement was always a problem so the dealer recommended spendor so this is my brand of choice.
I forgot to mention Silverline since you mentioned the Coincident line.They are really easy to drive.But you have a lot of power on tap and no ability for triode so maybe it's a waste.But if you could spend what the amp cost there is a used pair up for around $3500 for $8K Total Eclipse which got great reviews (but they are very deep).If you had triode switch I'd try to here both of those lines as they have really easy loads.But still might be your cup of tea since they can handle a lot of power.That's nice in speaker (Zu,Silverline,Coincident) that they combine low power options AND high power.Looking to change from from my German horns and want T power or SET option so I might try to find Coincident dealer myself even if I would probably buy used.