Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.
artemus_5687 posts02-27-2021 12:09pmI’m going to say this once more. Whenever I see/hear someone talk about surface noise, pops & clicks, etc, I KNOW they have NEVER heard a good vinyl setup.

That’s mainly cleaning and a good pressing. Can’t ignore that 70db typical, near 80 in exceptional conditions though and that's modern pressings not old ones. It’s not as black as digital and if you like loud the noise will be there.

  • Using digital, I can use DSP to pervert what the musician intended and produce a frequency response like you get from vinyl. I can set up a number of different DSP profiles for each track to replicate the way the sound worsens as the needle heads towards the hole. I can add a sample of surface noise. I can add random pops and clicks. I can make all lower frequency sound mono instead of stereo. I can make these pops and rumbles a little more annoying each time I play the same album. I can sequence the music so that after 20 minutes I have to get up and fiddle about a bit. If I want to give Qobuz £20 per album I can, even if I only listen to one of the tracks once. I could pay large insurance premiums to cover the cost of losing my vinyl in a fire or theft.
    But I’d rather not.
Bravo, bluemoodriver.

I have 12 feet of vinyl collected over the years, since I was a teen.  In the last 10 years, I have not touched a single album.  I have purchased over 500 CDs, many duplicates of my albums, and enjoyed my music more than I ever did with Vinyl.  I am enjoying more detail, more passion, more euphoria from the way I am now listening that could never be repeated through Vinyl without excessive effort by me.  Life is too short.  Grab the moment. 
Hey @audio2design _—-Where is it? Your “system “ that is. I have asked you that same question your four previous fake usernames ago. I never got an answer 

1,172 posts
02-26-2021 11:31pmlexx, I have little doubt my analog system, well system in general, in a purpose built room, with properly designed, and tuned acoustics, with a carefully set up signal chain, is quite a bit better than what you have, I have no delusions about its limitations. I have it as an access method to otherwise unavailable media. No more. No less.
Yes of course being there is best but live streams are are a whole new world and give musicians who are having a very tough time of it now an outlet to perform 
my current favs are Smalls is a little jazz club in Greenwich village nyc they do live stuff almost every night and Yes I’m a huge fan of opera as well as jazz. The Met has a weekly free series of different previously recorded operas every night plus for a fee you can hear more intimate private performances of opera stars
thyname, -
Where is it? Your “system “ that is. I have asked you that same question your four previous fake usernames ago. I never got an answer

Four usernames. Good catch. And none with a system? How right I was: Empty suit. Clown. Thought of some others but worried about taking things too far. But now, fake username number five, guess not.

What were the other usernames? Fun times.