Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
Yes, I also brought up the potential risks with replacing fuses just for better sound a ways back in this thread as well.

When one is addicted to something, like the continuous pursuit of better sound, I suppose one is more disposed to take a gamble and roll the dice.

Besides, if the gear goes up sometimes afterwards who's to say the fuse was the cause.

I'm still with Modjeski. I can get the sound I want without overriding my vendors technical decision regarding the fuse used. Just because I can replace a part does not mean I should unless I really know exactly what I am doing.

To those who have and continue to enjoy better sound, more power to you. Just be sure you know what the hell you are doing before customizing expensive and complex electronic gear.
Mapman wrote,

"To those who have and continue to enjoy better sound, more power to you. Just be sure you know what the hell you are doing before customizing expensive and complex electronic gear."

Faint heart n'e'r won fair maiden. Besides, replacing a fuse is not rocket science.

I have an sa11-s1 and have considered a power fuse upgrade but can not see any external fuse tray or slot. Could you please advise how I can access this fuse tray you spoke of. Thanks.

Wow. 512 posts and counting and this is one of several "fuse" threads on a'gon. I installed my Hifi Supreme's in everything more than a year ago and have never looked back. Having too much fun to worry whether it's crazy. Maybe some day I'll get off my lazy butt and try the Quantum chips or the SR's.
Faint heart n'e'r won fair maiden. Besides, replacing a fuse is not rocket science.
Geoffkait (Answers | This Thread)

I have an sa11-s1 and have considered a power fuse upgrade but can not see any external fuse tray or slot. Could you please advise how I can access this fuse tray you spoke of. Thanks.

Nanotweeter (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

The above kinda speaks for itself. Incorrect information given for one or more style units.

Nanotweeter, I don't know if David above has a different model than yours, but, the ones I see pictured on the internet has at least five to six fuses inside it. None on the back of the unit I see pictured. I could be in error, and thinking I'm looking at the correct unit, and the pictures may be wrong.

If your going to risk changing them, be careful. You have to make sure each one is the correct type, if not you may be putting it, and yourself at risk.

Secondly, these PC mounted type of holders can easily break lose, and also damage the PC board traces. The thought of someone other than an experienced tech doing this, changes my thoughts about buying some used gear even more now.

If it wasn't broke when they made it, why try to experiment with it. Didn't the engineers of this $3500/$3000 player have the customers interest in mind? I would hope they did.