Gallos ohms mirages or deuvels

If I like transparency imaging and excellent sounstage which one do you recommend?
I know I've asked this before but had to change the title of the thread.
Should also throw these guys in the mix:

Never heard them, but like the design + a lot of what their web site says.
Hey Pedrillo,

If you covet MBL and kind of like Ohms, maybe here is your ticket to paradise:
I purchased the Ohm Micro's used and I couldn't believe how good these speakers are!! Besides having the great open, huge soundstage they are known for the Micros have a beautifully detailed and natural midrange, sweet highs and suprisingly good bass!! All of this is accomplished with a tiny footprint, I have owned many speakers, auditioned many speakers at dealers and shows and I have NEVER found a bigger surprise and better value than the Ohm Micros.
I own the Morrison Audio Model 7, and they are the real deal: imaging, soundstage, detail are all there. You can listen to music through them for hours. They are also "real-world" affordable...a bonus in these troubling times.