"However, I really do not think that they have a bunch of physicists working for them"
Neither do any of the other modifiers of Lenco or Garrard for that matter.
I somehow seriously doubt the majority of diy folks could build anything like the Artisan Fidelity 301 or Dobbins plinths in their home work shops, these guys are pros imo. And I really don't think you have any idea of the amount of design work and time that goes into an Artisan F turntable construct. If you spoke with them directly as I have, you would know exactly what I am talking about regard their research and development process. I can assure you there is nothing quick and easy about it. This outfit is really serious about their work. When I spoke directly with Chris, he explained part of the process involved prototyping the many different plinth materials for their Lenco and Garrard's and I was quite impressed to say the least. If you had any idea of how many different materials they use to achieve the proper tuning in their cld plinth construction you would be shocked.