Gave up my SET----looking for moderate to higher power replacement options

I recently sold my JAS Array 2.1, which is a SET using 805 and 300B producing 45w.  With NOS RCA 805 and Sophia Princess 300B's, this amp produced the best sound I've ever had.  I used it to drive the satellite section of a pair of DIY/Legacy Focus clones using Eton drivers.  I've ran several different solid state amps on the bass drivers.  The inner detail and palpability of images were fantastic.  Images were life-sized and, frequently, sounded as if the musicians were in the room with me (not much of an exaggeration--honestly!)  And despite the modest power rating, this amp had startling dynamics.  It was an exciting and very engaging listen but.....well, aside from the amp breaking down on a few occasions, the cost of tubes and the extreme heat the amp put out,  the amp did run out of power when I pushed it too hard.  

I've tried several other amps during my time with the JAS, typically as warm weather substitutes, and a few more since I sold it but I really am mostly disappointed.  Presently I have an Audiozone Amp1 running the satellite section and a Jaton AV5140 on the woofers.  I was biamping with the Jaton but wanted a bit more detail and transparency.  The Audiozone is better than the Jaton in this regard but still falls rather short of the standard set by the JAS  and also runs out of power occasionally and sounds just awful when it clips.  I have an Audio Alchemy DPA 1 and had the Wyred4Sound ST-500 when it first came out and neither are what I'm looking for in my main system.  The AA amp is better but still a far cry from the sonics of the SET JAS.  Do any of the Class D amps truly approach SET sonics?    I'm considering the Gamut D200 mk iii as well though these are hard to find.   Are there any Class D amps I should look in to?  I really need to keep it at $3000 or less and probably around $2000.  Please make recommendations based on actual experience, that is only on amps you've actually heard.  Thanks!
falconquest---been using solid state to drive the woofers for several yrs, everything from pro amps to integrateds and now a preamp & separate power amp.  The issue is that the 45w I got out of my SET just wasn't quite enough some of the time.  The SET broke down (again) so I sold it.  I have a pretty good gainclone in the Audiozone Amp1 but it too is a bit lacking in power and just doesn't quite have the presence and inner detail of the SET so.... that's why I'm considering Class D finally.  I hated the Wyred4Sound ST500 but I'm hearing that Class D has arrived.  Hoping to either verify that or have the opposite confirmed.  And I DO really like tubes but I've had enough issues with them and the replacement cost + it can be pretty difficult to source good tubes.  Simplify!  That's my goal in audio now as well as life.  
“Simplify! That’s my goal in audio now as well as life”.

If that’s indeed your goal then get high efficiency speakers > 96db and you don’t have to deal with this bi-amping crap (no offense) or high wattage amps. I went from 92dB to 96dB efficiency speakers and couldn’t be any happier.
Okay I clearly understand your dilemma and why you’ve decided to move away from tube amplifiers. Less recurring cost and a gain in convenience and simplicity. I think you’ve spoiled your ears with the 805 SET😊.
If you find a class D amplifier that sonically comes close to the JAS Audio SET amplifier, please post and let us all know.of your successful acquisition. I wish you the best in your ongoing search. 
Replacing a good SET amp in the price range you specify isn't easy.  Despite the inherent limitations of SET amps, they can indeed impart a certain magic to music, distortion and all.  

I've moved on from SET.  I found my destination amps with my Atma-Sphere M-60s.  I had the M1 power supply and Vcap upgrades, and spent some effort in selecting driver tubes.  It is fed by a 101D based tube preamp.  That set up  got me all the virtues of SET and none of the limitations.  No looking back for me.  But that option is outside your price range.

Ralph is not blowing smoke on his comments on what is really false dynamics in SET amps.

After my SET amps got bumped from my main rig, they went into my downstairs living room system.  After spending a couple of years there, they got bumped again, this time by a Lyngdorf 2170 integrated.  This is a class D amp that also contains a really good DSP feature.  It is an amp that is hard to characterize.  To my ears, it doesn't sound like SS, but it doesn't sound like an SET tube amp either.  IF your source material is digital, and if you can benefit from digital room correction, this might be something to consider.  You can get one used under 3K.   It is not anything special in my estimation if you are an analog source guy.

A used Lyngdorf 2170 is available for less than 3K USD? That could quite possibly be the way to go. Definitely worth serious consideration at the price point. Excellent recommendation from Bill (brownsfan).