Genesis APM-1 Plate Amp Repair or Replacement

My second plate amp died, rendering my speaker system usless.
Does anyone have an idea on how I can save these wonderful, useless speakers? PLEASE!!!

First thing,have you checked the fuses? This is what I found with a quick web search..... A large warning at the end of the instruction manual says: "Should your woofer amplifier unexpectedly turn off and you are unable to turn it back on, you have overheated the amplifier or have played it too hard. It may take up to ten minutes for the amplifier to turn back on."
If this doesn't work you should probably contact Genesis. The plate amp is a Genesis design and more than likely can't be outsourced.Hope this helps.
Fgalea: If what Tpreaves says to check doesn't work, contact Rick Cullen at Cullen circuits. Google them. They're in Paso Robles, CA. I had one amp fixed by them, Rick personally told me he either designed the amp or the circuits for the amp (I don't remember.) And the service turnaround time was great. Really good people. (they check their emails and respond very promptly.) Good luck!
Tpreaves: Do you know where i can get the manual for this speaker? I've been looking for this for about 2 years! Can't find it dude!