Gerry Rafferty dies

I'm saddened to hear of of his death at the young age of 63. He was a supremely talented singer/songwriter/musician who suffered and died from progressive alcoholism which plagued him during his lifetime.
Oh come off it, your spinning this into something it never was. I used damn as an expression and if me knowing a few folks are hopeless makes me special then I suggest you would have to be retarted to not draw the same conclusions if you knew who and what I am talking about.
I am not special for knowing the occasional obvious even if you attempting to mock me for it makes you feel good.
I'm raising children. They're still innocent. I must instill in them a strong sense of right and wrong and the best way is by example - both in the way I live my own life, and in the way I can point to others who have @$#&!% their lives up. Frankly, I don't care to hear about what is or isn’t effective in dissuading those already in the grips of irresponsibility…demons…or just plain old stupidity.

Perhaps this type of reporting might lend credence to the message that every parent strives to instill in their children.
Well said. Seems more and more its nobodys fault, its a disease, its a condition, its passed from birth and on down the line. Good lessons from birth, a positive family structure along with education, common sense and maybe even a little luck can go a long way to a healthy life.
We all know some thing just happen and its tragic but many need to accept some personal responsibility and blame only the man in the mirror, doing that instead of cop out blame games might be a healthy step for some to recover from a bad lifestyle.
I dont want to lose the true spirit of this thread and hope Gerry's family finds peace in this difficult time.
God Bless you Chadnliz. I was a hopeless drunk once but thanks to God and support from a lot of caring souls who did not have your attitude I made it. Now I own my own business and am living very comfortably. I hope you never have to deal with addiction on a personal level (I mean someone that you really care about). Just remember what comes around goes around.


Too bad you didnt learn how to comprehend in your recovery. I clearly stated there was 2 very different folks in addiction. Maybe understanding is the 13th step?
So blah blah blah, I am evil, your awesome, to be honest I am laughing so thanks for the smile.
Fact is I reserve sympathy and compassion for those who should get it and I offer straght no BS higher power platitudes for those who dont and until you know me dont assume I cant tell the difference between these two very different types of people.
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