Get Power Conditioner -downgrade my expensive PCs?

If I have a High quality Power Conditoner - do I still need my expensive Power Cords?

Thinking of selling them, and buying quality budget ones with sheilding and decent connectors...
Bryston's wrong, Pass (by association) is also wrong. Man, to be an Agon expert. Is there a test to take, or is it just a self-annointing thing?

Note also I wasn't indirectly advocating DBT, I was directly advocating it. Usually those who are most against it are the ones who have the most to lose in their proclamations and insecurities.

I bought the Bryston because I like the color of the lights.
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Snofun3,Or not, My suggestion to call the manufacturer was just that, "a-suggestion". Some times the use of a contact point can help you come to conclusions which will work best for you and your particular set-up and needs. Nothing in this hobby is written in stone as you seem to suggest in your responses. If I happen to find a piece of equipment that works for me I will purchase it, regardless of whether or not somebody thinks contrary to my opinion. Freedom of choice is good,so have at it...
Aolmrdl - I completely agree with your suggestion.

I was just pointing out how respected manufacturers, with intelligent engineers and designers, who have produced esteemed products over decades of experience, and assumedly spend many hours and $ testing their products under varying conditions and environments, are quickly degraded if their conclusions don't match that of some hobbyist.

Again, I agree with you, and I was only pointing out what became reinforced soon after making the comment.

I never "degraded" Bryston in any way. It seems your intent is simply to mock those you disagree with, rather than have a reasoned debate, so I won't indulge you.
As a parting shot, I'd just like to remind you that DBT does not prove that no difference exists, only that the difference (if any) is beyond the sensitivity of DBT testing.
Enjoy the lights on your Bryston.