Well, I'd say you can't ignore the fact that your CD collection far exceeds your vinyl collection, so that has to be a major factor. However, I do think that you already have quite a competent digital system, so that may open up the door for an analog player for you.
You don't have to spend the world of money to get an analog system that will perform very nicely. I'd try to listen to some friends' analog systems, if you can, and see what level of performance you can be satisfied with.
If you spent the same money on analog as you would on an AA Capitole brand new, then you would have pretty close to a world-class vinyl system that would definitely beat any digital player by quite a margin(IMHO). I spent under $4k, and I have yet to hear any digital player even come close. I know several people who feel that any digital player can be exceeded for sound quality by some fairly inexpensive analog systems. I would tend to agree, myself, with that assessment. But don't buy cheap for cheap's sake. Put the same amount of study and money into it as you would any other important component in your system. The analog systems do get better in the higher price ranges also. Treat it as an important purchase, study and audition, and make an informed choice. You may find that you will start increasing your vinyl collection dramatically, once you get a good analog player.