get vinyl rig or audio aero capital

I have an old bang and olufsen 1700 turntable cl cartridge
mid fi about 300 albums from 70-80's (some jap pressings)
my discs were played once and taped to a Nak - so great there

I'm wondering - do I go analog and spend big bucks on an analog rig (table, arm, cartridge, phono stage, cleaner, cables, platform) to get superior sound but then have a dated collection to play

arc ls5 preamp - no phono stage - all balanced inputs

or do I buy an audio aero capital - most analog like cd player and enjoy further my 1200+ cds

current digital end is Teac VRDS10 (Wadia) and EVS Millenium II dac - a nice combo

is there any good mid end tables that will perform well and not wear out my old vinyl??


"However" is the operative word in the previous post. "IMHO" is also of prime importance. Try and set up a side by side comparaison of the Audio Aero and analog front end you are considering. Play the same recordings in both formats. Use a variety of music. Play recordings you are familiar with. You have to make sure that the levels are matched, since any difference in volume will normally tend to favour the source playing a bit louder. Then let your own ears be your guide. Try not to think of this choice as though considering joining a club. Whatever you do, enjoy the music.
Post removed 
thanks for the responses
keep them coming
especially recommendations

it's just when I start adding up the table arm cartridge shelf and preamp one's easily at $2-$4 k
used Capitoles under $5

living in New Orleans I have no such chance of such an audition
my sole audio outlet sells a few of the Nottinghams which I've heard good things about - but doesn't have the market to have one lying around in the store to audition
well maybe I'd get the choice later this summer
with a stop to NYC on vacation

thanks guys
If you buy the Capitole used, you will be able to sell it at almost no loss it it doesn't work out. Being an owner of the Mark II, I doubt you will be selling it. In your post you imply that you don't listen all that much to your vinyl collection and it is obvious your direction is toward digital(1,200 CDs...). Invest in the direction you are going. This does not mean you can't have a turntable for the occasional playing of vinyl.

The Audio Aero is a very fine piece of equipment. I use it for my CDs and I use the DAC for 2-channel HT. I also use the toslink connection through which I route my 5-disk Yamaha CD player when I don't want to bother changing CDs.

Again, do with your direction which you say to toward your CDs.
UncleJeff - yes the resale on an Audio Aero is a big plus
and I also do 2 channel home theater so using the dac end on my dvd player would be a good use

I do have some rather nice vinyl
particularly Japanese pressings played once (taped to Nak)
most of my stellar 70's - 80's music that I still play a lot

old Genesis, Peter Gabriel, Talking Heads, Bowie, Roxy, Costello, Crimson, Eno etc

I've been reluctant to play these unless I have an analog setup that won't degrade them (the B&O is why bother)
