Getting back in the game

Getting back into things after about 8 years. My Rotel amp is dead and I have some B&W 804’s. Was thinking of getting a used Naim superuniti (2000ish) as an all in one amp, streamer, dac, etc. I missed all the streaming and Bluetooth stuff. Thought this might be a smart way to kick it off

Any other ideas?
You can get a NAD master series M10 brand new for about 2700. Maybe look for a B stock?
How deep do you want to dive in? Are your pockets able withstand the pressure of a few more fathoms? If so, then I encourage you to not do an all in one, but separates. Imo, half the fun of the hobby is the system building. :) 
Hey guys. Thanks so much for the answers. I didn’t get any replies so I kinda moved forward. I got a good deal on some Naim equipment. 
NAC 112 preamp
NAP 150 amp
NACD3 cd

now I need a good streamer around 2000 or less. Should I stay with Naim?