Not sure it’s the cartridge honestly. The hum does not increase or decrease when you move the arm towards the spindle. It hums even with the the arm just sitting In the cradle and the motor isn’t even turned on. In fact the hum is constant and whether or not you touch the cartridge, or move the wires, or anything like that, it doesn’t change the hum.
The only thing that has changed it is when I took a power cord and plugged the stereo in from across the house In another outlet. The hum was greatly reduced. Almost to the point I’m not being an issue at all. That tells me it might have something to do with dirty power or something similar.
But I cannot rule out the cartridge 100%. Because if I just unplug the interconnect cables from the phono preamp I get no hum whatsoever. It’s only when the interconnects are connected from the turntable to the phono preamp does the hum present itself.