Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Hi Nadric,

About other models, I have a limited knowledge and the continuation of this thread is largely based on my desire to learn more - an ambition that I still hope more enthusiasts would display. However, the G5 and G7 might be linked up in line with the Astatic 100 and 200. Yet the comparison does not hold up on close physical or sonic examination.

I do know that there is a G5 cartridge going in Hong Kong (Tommy Cheung) at present and that might be more similar to the noted Astatics than are the better in the "G" series. I would therefore start with the G3 and see if you can find the other two - moist likely on the Asian market and or through Rinkya.

The performance characteristics are notable and stepped with top end frequency abilities (fopr example) being above 30k, 40k and 50k for the G3, G5 and G7 respectively. I am still bogged down in life and rarely in testing the G7 and I will report when I have any certainties to share.

As always...
Hi Nadric,

Apolgies, I meant to say that there is a G3 cartridge available at the noted source - unfortunately, he might not be an economically attractive option though! If you already have the Astatic 300 and do nevertheless get this, you could do your own comparison and let us know your experience regarded the strangely repeated claims concerning the Astatic/Glanz. I sold my MF100 in preferring the G5 'and' G7. Others might disagree but it would be interesting to hear an informed opinion here.

As always...
Hi Lewm,

I can partially appreciate the tendency for others to assume relationships without recognising differences. It is a method by which one can order and make sense of the world. Unfortunately, that sort of approach leads to its own problems and I am certain that Nandric is too intelligent to allow it to entomb his experiences in perpetuity.

As always...
Dear Lew, Thanks to the fact that something was rotten in
Denmark we got a great literary work. However you should know that many carts in the same series share the same corpus (aka 'generator'). The Glanz 51 has the sufix 'E'
(aka 'elliptical) and should be 'the same', according to
Nandric, with MF 300 and not, as you wrongly assume,the MF 200. The MF 200 is a proud owner of an Shibata stylus. A big 'status' difference I should think. I also noticed that the 'model difference' is marked on the stylus and not on the corpus. The corpus of all of them (Glanz and Astatic) is marked with 'MF'.
My quess is that 'MF' should give the indication for the producer. Besides a Balkanes and certainly 'some' Serbian will never admit to be wrong in anything. The animosity
between Raul and Dgob should of course not count as proof of the contrary. I am a kind of proud with my discovery so it is really unsporty from my comembers to (be)grudge me
my success.


Dear Nicola, I assumed nothing except that I thought it was you who recognized a similarity between Glanz MF51 and Astatic MF200. I have never even seen any Glanz or Astatic cartridge in the flesh. Apparently I was wrong about your opinion. Sorry.

Dgob is a loyal user of Raul's preamplifier. I should think that would trump any disagreement over one particular cartridge's performance level. Thus I do not perceive any animosity on either side, just a difference of opinion.