Hi Dover,
I am still using the Audiocraft with its AP300 armwand. If you use this, you need to use its own template to check and adjust the cartridge but once you do so... I would still like to explore other arms to see if there is even more to be eeked out of its performance. I have spoken to Hiroshi at Sibatech who informs me that:
"Mr.Masataka Hamada (Glanz tone arm designer) confirms both G5 and G7 accommodate and suit very well his new tone arm, called The Glanz, even in terms of 18g integrated weight (Maximum adaptable weight is 40g)."
However, with financial times still not great, I would love to hear from other (external) parties who have a view on their arms etc. Fingers crossed, that feedback will be quicker in arriving than has any around the G series Glanz.
As always...