Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Hi All,

Any knowledge of and/or experience with the above noted Glanz tonearms (or about Sibatech) would still be appreciated. Feel free to respond off-site if needs be.

As always...
Hi All,

Just to note that I had a few friends over for the weekend: two of whom are gifted musicians. On hearing my Glanz G7, they suggested that they 'believed'the performances (including Miltstein's Bach) - meaning that they felt it presented the actual live events.

This was in comparison to my Technics P100c Mk4 and was based on the greater dynamic abilities of the Glanz. The classical guitarist was particularly impressed by the sheer quality of detail/information that was passed through it and how (to paraphrase) 'the music simply did not seem to emanate from mechanical and electronic equipment'. He has heard many manifestations of my systems but this was the first time it was greeted with such shock and awe.

I mention this because it pleased me beyond words. I respect more than I can say their musicianship and honesty and found an unexpected degree of satisfaction. Yes, it was easy for me to appreciate their views because they obviously complied with my own. Nevertheless, I am now even more hopeful that others will be afforded the opportunity to share that experience.

Simply magnificent!!

As always...
Hi Dgob,
Which tonearm were you using with the Glanz G7, was it the Audiocraft ?
Dear Dgob, The only possibility to get this remarcable G7 is to rob someone who owns this treasure and the only such a person I know is...

Till then,
Hi Dover,

I am still using the Audiocraft with its AP300 armwand. If you use this, you need to use its own template to check and adjust the cartridge but once you do so... I would still like to explore other arms to see if there is even more to be eeked out of its performance. I have spoken to Hiroshi at Sibatech who informs me that:

"Mr.Masataka Hamada (Glanz tone arm designer) confirms both G5 and G7 accommodate and suit very well his new tone arm, called “The Glanz”, even in terms of 18g integrated weight (Maximum adaptable weight is 40g)."

However, with financial times still not great, I would love to hear from other (external) parties who have a view on their arms etc. Fingers crossed, that feedback will be quicker in arriving than has any around the G series Glanz.

As always...