Goin nuts deciding which Scout upgrade

OK, I might have enough cash (1,000.00)to get my Scout upgraded in Feb.,,But going loony trying to decide which upgrade to go with,might be the only upgrade ill be able to do for awhile!Im kinda thinking the Scoutmaster might be the one.My thinking being to build a strong foundation in which all future upgrades will really be able to shine!I would love to hear your thoughts on this!Thanks,Ray
Both the Scout and the Scoutmaster really benefit from the addition of a motor controller. The VPI SDS is around 1000.00, and the Walker Precision Motor Controller http://www.walkeraudio.com around 1700.00 (with the Valid Points and Discs). Stable speed and ease of switching between 45 and 33 made a big difference in both the Scout and Scoutmaster in my system.
The upgrade to the JMW Signature arm is probably the way to go (700.00 with the trade of your stock arm). The differences between the two arms are not subtle. Be prepared to wait a bit for a Signature arm though. VPI seems to be a bit behind in meeting the demand. In addition, the 300.00 you'll have left over from the arm upgrade will make for nice seed money toward a motor controller.
Hi Ray,Good directions from Slipknot.Before I purchased my Scoutmaster I listened to one with just the sts and with out...I didnt blink at the added cost,just had to have it.I ended up buying the sts, centre weight and the ring as a packaged deal. Money well invested...The Nordost Valhalla wire up grade for the junction box and arm should be considered along with the sts.This should be a [stunning good upgrade] to your Scout,all for alittle more then your budget.It was the Scout that reintroduced me back to vinyl,a truly great table and a fabulous bang for the buck,like Supratek...I just sent my arm and box down to VPI to be traded on the new arm and wire, really looking foreward to it.Slipknot,How much better is the new arm and wire? Ray,good luck and good listening...
Six weeks and holding, awaiting the new siggy arm. Sent Sheila a check for the upgrade, she told me to hold onto my arm until they ship me the new one. Good thing too. Other wise, I would be six weeks so far without my TT. Me thinks VPI may be a victim of their own success, a bit backlogged on getting arms out...
Hi Slipknot,Ray cant go wrong with the suggestions above,even going for a Scoutmaster...Hes got some thinkn to do.I took my arm and box to my dealer, he placed an order for a HRX and asked for both orders to be shipped same time in the same box...Will see if that happens.Anyway I dont mine the wait.
It took me almost 3 months to get the complete arm. They sent the wand and junction box first, then antiskate about a month after that, and the base a couple weeks later. I was able to get a pretty good idea of each part of the upgrade. It will be well worth the wait, and hopefully not as long.