Good amp for Klyne....

I have a Klyne SK-5A about to arrive. I've wanted a Klyne preamp for years, ever since I had a chance to listen to one many moons ago and the opportunity arose to lay hands on one. Just wondering from any other Klyne users what kind of power amps you've had good results with? I'll be driving Magnepan MG12's. Just wondering if there's any really synergistic pairings where the Klyne pre's can put their best foot forward.... thanks!
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Showing 5 responses by dogmcd

Have the Klyne in and I'm running it right now with a Rawson amp... I may just stick with this for some time to come!
Any "Klyne-ophiles" out there that have a good understanding of how the normal and inverting outputs on the SK-5A work in relation to the normal/invert switch on the front panel? When the switch is in the "normal" position are both outputs in phase with each other, or does the switch control both outputs, swapping the phase of each at the same time, effectively keeping them out of phase with each other all the time? The manual is a little sketchy on this...
Thanks for the replies folks, appreciate them all. I did call and get a chance to talk directly to Stan Klyne and he was very helpful; nice guy!
Thanks for all of the feddabck and discussion folks! I am still enjoying my SK5A immensely. If I ever decide to go to another line-stage, I'd probably keep the Klyne for its phono stage, which is just incredible. I've settled in on a pair of Rawson Aleph 5 mono block clones that Tim built for me and the match seems to be working very well. Happy Listening!