Good amp for Klyne....

I have a Klyne SK-5A about to arrive. I've wanted a Klyne preamp for years, ever since I had a chance to listen to one many moons ago and the opportunity arose to lay hands on one. Just wondering from any other Klyne users what kind of power amps you've had good results with? I'll be driving Magnepan MG12's. Just wondering if there's any really synergistic pairings where the Klyne pre's can put their best foot forward.... thanks!
Ag insider logo xs@2xdogmcd
I have a Klyne 5A to and find the phono section to be one of the most revealing for detail I have ever known. The CD with my modified Adcom was a bit harsh leading me to the conclusion that this pre would sound awesome with tube power amps. In any event it has a fantastic phono stage and can be used just for that and route it into a pre that doesn't have a phono stage. When i first heard this with my analog rig I was blown away,in fact I can even remember the first album i played on it,MOFI American Beauty by the Grateful Dead.
I've been happy with my Klyne 6 series with CJ Premier 11A, I have used other tube preamps since I prefer the musical sound more than the frequency extension, however Klyne is best among them, very quiet, neutral and reliable to give the center stage to amp and source.
Thanks for the replies folks, appreciate them all. I did call and get a chance to talk directly to Stan Klyne and he was very helpful; nice guy!
Dogmcd-Pretty awesome a end user can talk directly with the engineer/owner;one of the benefits of a dealing with a small company.
I can say only positive things about Stan Klyne. I have had problem with my preamp about 1 year ago (some static charge block the preamp). Because I live in Poland and there is no any supplier o Klyne products it has been serious problem for me. I have got immediate answer for my email with ask for help from Stan Klyne with necessary drawings an information how to fix it. Thanks god at the end it has not been need to do it, preamp unblocked on his own after about 24 hours.
But being in subject of topic, I use Klyne 7LX 3.5/B with Simauido W5 and Simaudio Supernova with polish speaker it is 3 way Enigma Duo Excelence – produced by small manufacture from Kracov, Sound&Line. I have compare my Klyne with McIntosh C46 with Mc501 monos and Dynadio Contour 3.0 and Simaudio P 5.3 with W5.3 power amp and Magnepan 3.6.
I would say it is a little better than Sim (smoother, more body, more powerful bass) and a little different than C46. Klyne is warmer then both of them, has more powerful bass and play with first plan closer to listener. From Sim it is much smoother, no grain, more musical.
The best musicality I have got from it was with Magnepan 3.6 + Simaudio Supernova + Simaudio W5.3 (but old W5 is better, new W5.3 seems to me a step back in comparison to W5) and all cables from MIT Magnum MA series (power cables MIT Oracle ). Than listen to this audio system we have just spoke only about differences in interpretations of music by different players (Beethoven sonates, Appasionata by Sviatoslav Richter, JVC XRCD and Emil Gilels, Deutshe Grammophon), no one has analyzed sound because there have not been sound, there have been only music. This system has given us very neutral, natural, clear and detailed but smooth sound. I have heard the most natural sounding piano I have ever heard from audio system (of course I have not heard so many audio system as press reviewers but any way have been looking for system for myself, have some audiophile friends, from time to time go for audio show and so on).
Very nice preamp my own has about 10 or 11 years and still in very good condition.