Good CDP with digital input/DAC capable

I am in need of a good cdp that I can feed a digital signal through for DAC. I am using a computer based audio collection with coax output for which I would like to improve the signal. I think Wadia does this, any others?
Bowbow... having a rough day?

Jamesw20 specifically asked about a CDP that has digital inputs. Yep, there are transports that can do just that but, given that he mentioned 'CDP' and the Wadia, the suggestions here are certainly valid.
Bowbow, you are wrong. Re-read his post. He is looking for a CD player with digital inputs so that he can utilize it's DAC with his computer.
Brow-Brow, like in the brow of a Neandethal Man, how FAR did you go in school, or was reading composition an option?? I was enjoying the thread until I read your outburst. Perfectly clear to EVERYONE but you as to what the author was asking about.