good discussion on power cords

The memory of many aspect of sound is short term... For example the complex and subtle change in colors and timbre between 2 cables....A melody is long term memory because the sound pattern is linked to kinesthesic association and pre-defined or pre-experienced emotional responses...

If i can judge some variations in changes about a piece of electronic components in an audio system, the cause is the memory of my related emotional response to the sound pattern which is long term memory... After a few seconds nobody remember the exact pattern of some complex composite sound but everybody can learn to retrieve his emotional response imprinted in the brain-body....

This is linked to the fact that hearing sound is quantified in hertz and is an ability that decline with age, but listening ability increase with age and are linked to the process of retrieving the emotional response associated with the wished for sound pattern, this emotional response is imprinted in the body -brain memory and available in the long term...

This is only my own experience....
This does not go well tough with the simplistic argument of objectivist that deny the hability to remember a past sound experience....ย  Any audiophile can learn to recognize the emotional response imprinted in his brain-body and associated with a past positive or negative sound experience....

My point is only there to touch the complexity of this subject, i dont pretend to explain anything, only to pointed to the complexity of the matter....
Somebody needs to eat more fish ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿ ๐ŸŸ โ€œComplexโ€œ is what they wrote on the bathroom walls at NASA. ๐Ÿ˜€