Good & Inexpensive Amplifier Stand for ARC VT100

I'd like to get my 80-pound amp up off the floor! I'm looking for some advise on an amplifier stand that fits the footprint of the VT-100 mk 2 (about 18"x18"), provide reasonable dampening, is a solid and sturdy build. Doesn't have to look "artful" and shouldn't be too expensive (<100 used and <200 new). Any ideas? Anyone tackle this problem already?

My vote goes to the Sanus Systems amp stand sold through Audio Advisor for about $89.00. This bad boy will hold 200+ lbs. easily and it looks nice too.
Yeah Timo, that Sanus stand is nice for the price. Audio Advisor was my answer on this one. I got the Standesign Base 2000 for $99, which is exactly the right shelf size, is made of one-piece welded steel, and can hold 150 lbs. Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
I agree with Timo on the Sanus amp stand from Audio Advisor-- comes with removeable spikes, looks nice, will hold about a ton and under $100. I used it with a 90 lb. SS amp.
Investment in a platform you will never replace would be the wisest choice. The Sistrum platforms will greatly improve the sound of any amp..solid state or tube. In fact the improvement will be so great it will be as if you had bought a new amp. I have many friends who will attest to this same experience..