Good timing for me.

I just received a purchase offer for my house. My wife has been trying for years to get me to sell this house. I made a deal with her that if I could pick the next house,"AND" buy a new (used pair) of speakers for myself, that I would sell.
I am not going hog wild or anything like that. I have other interests also. I learned my lesson on going nuts with this hobby.
So far I have tried:
Proac Studio 250's
Thiel 1.2s
Magnepan MMG
Pardigm Variouse
Meadowlark Shearwater
and currently Vandersteen 2c's that seem to get real close to what sound I am looking for. I like classic Rock from AC/DC to Zep.
The rest of my system is a pair of Rogue Magnum 120's that are seeming to run out of juice for loud levels with the Vandersteens.
VPI hw19jr TT
I wiould like to keep it at $2000.00 Not much more.
I was thinking the obvious
Klipsch and JBL
I don't know much about the history though. Dates to avoid and driver info. Can anyone give some advice or info ?
Thanks, Scott

Showing 1 response by timrhu

If the 2Cs aren't too large for your listening space I'm going to recommend Paradigm Studio 100 V.2 or 3s. Those speakers are great for rock music.
Please answer this question. What do you mean by using the Vandys nude? I am looking for a pair of 2Ces in bad cosmetic condition so I can remove the socks, caps and poles. Not for sound but simply because the 2Cs are too imposing physically in my room.
BTW, I'm using Shearwater Hot Rods now and preferred them to the 2CE Signatures but partly because they fit the room better.