Grado Prestige Gold 3

Hi all, I have a thirty five year old Linn Axis with Basic Plus tone arm in a second system that I love and I find hard to beat unless I spend $2500-3000. I am currently running an Ortofon Om30 but would like to try something new under $250-300. A friend recommended the Grado Prestige Gold 3. Anybody have any thoughts regarding this cartridge with the Basic Plus tone arm? Any other recommendations? Anyone think it’s worth spending a little more (not too much more) on something else or moving to an MC cartridge?


It certainly is, but not really relevant in this thread. You're going to be in the strange position of telling others who have never heard them why they were so special, along with me. No one will ever believe us!

Thanks for all the great advice. The Nagaoka MP 500 has peaked my interest @dogberry but I wonder if I’m bumping up against the limits of the Linn Axis with Basic Plus arm. I love the table and I haven’t heard one better yet under $2500, but I assume at some point the cartridge is limited by the table and arm. I just don’t know what that limit is. Maybe the MP 500 is it?

The effective mass of your arm is said to be 10g, which is probably a bit low to satisfy those who believe in calculations. Then again, my SME Series V is said to be too light for the Deccas, and it plainly works fine!