Graham Phantom - Armrest Setup

I am installing a Graham Phantom tonearm. I cannot figure out how to loosen the armrest layer of the tonearm so that I can swing it to face the front of the table. I see two holes drilled into the armrest layer (one underneath the count weight and one on the side opposite of the VTA tower). It seems like one may need to loosen those to rotate the armrest layer, but the user manual makes no mention of using these two screws for any purpose. And it seems odd that one lies directly below the counter weight making it difficult to reach.

Right now, the armrest sits about 1/2 inch away from the outer edge of the platter. I'd like to rotate it counter clockwise to face front.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks, Jeff

Showing 4 responses by jloveys

No need to loosen any screws, just give enough pressure with fingers to move that part ( with the Graham logo) clockwise or counterclockwise.
Yes, Sirspeedy, popping problem resolved also by grounding the Phantom base AND TT bearing to phonopreamp chassis. Bob Graham was so concerned about our problem that he contacted me to say that we were the only two Phantom owners with that problem, he suggested to do that grounding TT+arm, but I did it already before and works fine. We don't realize how nice it is to listen to music without a loud "pop" every minute until we have experienced the problem ! I am happy to know that you resolved it too, with the exact same setting, great !
Have a look at my new turntable project in members systems/Twin platters rim drive. I will be more than happy to have your opinion.
Sirspeedy, thank you for your input. Very informative.
About the Phantom voicing issue I my case I agree with you that fluid damping level makes this arm sound "magic", in a very one sweet spot. On the contrary VTA adjustment doesn't affect the sound ( maybe Allaerts carts are frigid to that "G" point ) !
About my TT project, I thank you for the comments, I don't do this for my ego but to share experiences with other audio hobbiysts and "virtual" friends. This TNT modified like this sounds way better than the Raven AC 3 motors I had in my system for a month ( same arm and cartridge) . It is very musical, separation between instruments very good top to bottom. Of course this is possible by trying step by step experiments in the long term.
About your friend wanting to upgrade his TNT , I would not use Stillpoints under the plinth if using rim drive. They are very good vibration isolation devices on vertical plane, but here we need also a controlled pressure buffer on horizontal plane between the rim platter and main platter. That is why the Symposium Rollerblocks are unique, also tungsten balls are preferable to ceramique, much harder material. The height of 1 Rollerblock + 2 couplers is
exactly correct for TNT. You loose level control of the TT so you should keep the massive VPI stand wich is adjustable by the 4 big cones. You can use these Rollerbocks on any good vibration damping platform and results will be there( I tryed HRS) but for me the Symposium Ultra is "synergy" .
One approach.
Best regards.