Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom

I can hardly wait!!!
I've got a Graham Phantom being instaled in a new TW Acustic Raven One.
I know many of you have Graham Phantoms on superb tables.
What are the awe inspiring matches for the Phantom???
I listen to Classic Rock, Classical, LOTS of vocals, organ, other words, a bit of everything. My priorities are musicality, recreation of the recording venue, soundstaging, musical emotion, beautiful harmonies, and NOT microscopic detail. The rest of my system has resolution in spades........Wilson Sophias, Audio research Mono Blocs etc.
So what is the final piece in this system? Give me your best choices.



Showing 1 response by larryi

I have heard, in a friend's system, the Titan and Orpheus and Phoenix on the Phantom arm. All are very good sounding and a preference will probably depend on taste and differences in other system components. To me, the Phantom is a very well dampened arm, which means that it is very quiet, refined and presents musical detail, harmonic structure, etc., without exaggeration. But, on the other hand, a lot of systems (most audiophile systems these days) sound like midrange life and dynamics have been sucked out of the music, and for these systems, a livelier arm/cartridge might be helpful. In short, the Phantom can sound a bit dark and dynamically dull in the wrong system.

In my friend's system, I liked both the Orpheus and Phoenix cartridge because they have a bit of midrange "presence." Both sounded much better in this system than the Temper V, which seemed dynamically dull and boring. The Titan sounded a touch faster and more detailed than the Transfiguration cartridges, but it can border on analytical in some systems.

I use to own a Graham 1.5t (I now own a Vector/Titan) and I have helped with the setup of the Graham Phantom. I do appreciate the very convenient and simple adjustments of the Phantom. But, I do notice that there is some loose "play" in the jig for setting overhang/offset and the precise point for overhang is, at best, a guess because the jig does not account for differences in cartridge height. Therefore, I wonder if the Phantom would benefit from using other setup tools, like a Wally Tractor or Feickert.